Kenbrite Pocket People

Missed an important birthday…

Yes I didn’t notice that turned 2 a couple of weeks ago. They grow up so fast *wipes tear*
But it’s not too late to celebrate, so I’ve called up the lads and they’ve rocked around with a a few cases of frosty Lowenbraus!

It’s not possible for me to hold my little Kenbrite Pocket People mates (Known to the rest of the world as Playmobil) in any higher esteem than I already do, I mean how many toys do you know that came accessorised with cases of beer? After a hard days firefighting a bloke needs a brew, and Playmobil knew it.
So here’s cheers to Playmobil and their visionary design crew, and to all the supporters and contributors of over the last two years.
Thanks all!



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