
A blog about the wonderful toys and ice creams enjoyed by Aussie kids during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

Toltoys Kid is not endorsed, authorised or associated in any way with Toltoys Pty Ltd (Australia).


9 responses to “About”

  1. frankie Avatar

    Hello, I’m looking for any toy catalogs showing Toltoy’s Mary Quant Daisy dolls. If anyone can help then please let me know. Would be interested in dolls for sale too.
    Thank you.

    1. tol11toys Avatar

      Hi Frankie,

      Do you know what year(s) Mary Quant Daisy dolls were produced? I have a few Toltoys catalogs.



      1. Frankie Avatar

        Hi Will,
        Sorry for the delay 🙂
        I believe Toltoys NZ produced the dolls from 1980-83

        thank you.

  2. Keenan Avatar

    I’m looking for a Toltoys red plastic train set which I think was made around about in the 70’s.
    Interested if they’re for sale. If anyone knows about this can you please help.


  3. tuatara Avatar

    I am interested in NZ made Daisy dolls – does anybody have info on these and how Toltoys took over the licence – probably around 1980?
    Also is there a list of NZ made Toltoys product?

  4. heath jenkins Avatar
    heath jenkins

    Hi Im chasing a Wham-o fun fountain for my kids, just like my family had when I was young. If anyone knows of one for sale please contact me.


  5. smash-maximus Avatar

    Looking for the elusive TOLTOYS Ultra Chrome smash-up-derby set where the Toltoys logo/lettering appears inside little different colored boxes at the bottom of the front of the box!!!!

    1. tol11toys Avatar

      Hi Smash, I have one in my collection but it’s not for sale, they are more elusive than the purple/pink logo one, an earlier issue I beleive. Cheers, Will

  6. Unka Schmunk Avatar
    Unka Schmunk

    WANTED: bug catcher, any color! Top dollar paid !!!

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